Have your password or email was lost or stolen? This is how you can find out

Have your password or email was lost or stolen? This is how you can find out

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News, AntaraNews – Malware, hacking and phishing are some of the ways that your private account email can be compromised. In the event that they happen, your personal information is made public and includes private financial and communications. The theft of this information a major business concern for cybercriminals. In the digital age, there is nothing as valuable as your personal information.

The best example that this occurs is large technology data economy. The companies such as Google as well as Meta seek to collect relevant information from your location, age and other online actions -data we consent to by accepting their terms of service, which permit us to use their search and social media platforms. The data they collect is targeted to you by displaying specific ads which is usually viewed as a reasonable compromise in order to use the services they offer for free.

There is however another side to the business of data that makes money on the personal information of its users. It is trading and sold in the more dark corners of World Wide Web. These are the places where the information you provide (typically stolen through illegal hacking techniques and phishing) could be used to the basis for illicit activities such as identity theft or access to financial data It all begins with your username and password.

Check if you’ve been compromised by your email address or password have been breached

The lists of user credentials that are which are traded and sold online may have millions of entries including one of the biggest breaches of data like this, that contained password and username information of seven27 million users. By 2022 in 2022, it’s thought that there will be more than 24 billion user credentials available through the dark internet as well as online.

Recent instances of such leaks of data include the 100k OpenAI accounts which were compromised and sold via the dark internet last year. Recently the cache of credentials for users was discovered containing passwords and usernames of more than 70 million people on sites such as Facebook and eBay, and others.

These kinds of data dumps are a serious threat for any person with any online presence, regardless of how large or tiny. This is why it’s crucial that solutions are in place to tell that your personal information is being circulated within their.

Below are a selection of choices available on the internet that offer the services to check your email


The repository for credential breaches “Have I Been Pwned?” is among the largest and current libraries that contains compromised emails available online. The library currently contains records of over 13 billion emails which are part of data breaches.

When you are on the site and entering your email in the search box and click search to determine if your email is mentioned in any breaches. If so it, the website will notify you about the breaches and the date they occurred.

This data is crucial in determining where your data was compromised and when the time ago that it occurred. If it’s recent and you haven’t changed your password, then changing the password is required immediately.


LeakPeek is a less extensive library of breaches in data in its title, however it has an extensive search, which includes usernames, passwords and phone numbers, complete names and even photos that show your faces.

The LeakPeak database remains over 8 billion entries secure, as well as the option to search using usernames or password will give you greater insight into how you can secure you and your information online.

If you have the same password on different logins, having the capability to identify whether it is portion of your stolen data will let you know you need to remove the old password and replace it with a new and improved password. secured.

Using the LeakPeek website is similar to “Have I Been Pwned” and the Hasso-Plattner-Institut. You just need to go on the Leakpeek homepage, and then select the choice of search, after which you enter your username, email password or complete name into the search field after which you can press the search button.

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